“Feedback from students is very positive. They are fully aware of the different elements of the IAG and support that is available to them and recognise the motivation and expertise of all staff in supporting them. Comments about staff variously included describing them as: ‘very approachable’; ‘amazing’; ‘so knowledgeable’; ‘nobody ever gives up on you’”
“There is a continued commitment to the holistic development of students from all staff, championed by senior leaders.”
“The theme of inclusion is woven throughout what the College delivers, ensuring that its Mission statement is reflected in all that it does.”
“The College places great emphasis on ensuring that the curriculum is linked to progression for students and preparing them for life beyond Priestley.”
“Managers and staff from all areas of the College understand the role that they play in the overall development of students, with curriculum staff keen to embed careers and progression themes into their teaching.”
“Staff from the Principal to support staff recognise that students are facing an array of challenges at the moment and that their wellbeing is fragile, so there is a whole range of support in place to support them.”