We’re committed to supporting your Wellbeing at Priestley College to help you reach your full potential.
The Wellbeing Team in the Learning and Resource Centre is made up of our Wellbeing Practitioner, Student Counsellor, and Inclusion Manager, who can help with your wellbeing. You will also have support from our Progress Tutors.
We have a single point of referral so we can assess the most appropriate support for you.
This commitment to supporting your mental health and wellbeing runs throughout college and Priestley has signed the Association of Colleges’ national charter to affirm this pledge.
Mental Health First Aiders
Mental Health First Aiders are part of the wellbeing at Priestley team and a point of contact if you, or someone you are concerned about, are experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.
They are not therapists or psychiatrists, but they can give you initial support and signpost you to appropriate help if required.
Many of the staff at Priestley College are trained in Mental Health First Aid, above are some of the staff that can support you, others include our Pastoral Heads, Progress Tutors and Study Support Team.
Wellbeing at Priestley resources
The Wellbeing Team has created three booklets to help students, and parents and carers to promote positive wellbeing.
The ‘Welcome back to Wellbeing’ booklet contains local and national organisations that offer support for young people. If students live outside of our local areas and are unable to access organisations mentioned, they can use the ‘Hub of Hope’ which is the national Mental Health database.
The ‘Wellbeing Guide for Parents and Carers’ booklet contains local and national organisations that offer wellbeing support for everyone. In this booklet we have put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that parents and carers can get the advice and help that they need.
‘Relaxation Strategies for your Wellbeing’ will help students to look after their wellbeing and give them ideas for building resilience. A useful resource for difficult times. This booklet is full of practical tips and information on managing stress and achieving and maintaining positive mental health and emotional wellbeing.
My Mindcoach app
A new mental health initiative is being piloted by Progress Tutors in college. My Mind Coach is an online programme launched by Warrington Healthcare and recently extended to help post-16 learners.
The exciting new app is designed specifically for young people aged 11 to 18 and provides you with practical strategies and resources to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
myMindcoach is a psychoeducational programme, based on the same science as the award-winning and NHS-backed myHappymind programme. The classroom activities are currently being delivered in PDP and students also have free access to the My Mind Coach app.
Email c.atkinson@priestley.ac.uk for the app’s authentication code or ask in PDP sessions.
Every Mind Matters
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Follow this link for expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing > Every Mind Matters
Sinking Feeling
Sinking Feeling is PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide’s short film which has been created in collaboration with the BAFTA Award-winning animation studio, Blue Zoo. It explores loneliness, isolation and the importance of peer support
Mental Health support
stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, as well as school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention.
This is primarily provided digitally through an innovative education programme, pioneering mental health apps, clinically-informed website and mental health conferences that contribute to helping young people and those around them flourish. Click the logo to be taken to the apps that can help with mental health.
Keys to happiness
During even the most difficult times there are some keys to happiness that can help. Here are six of the most important ones that the Wellbeing at Priestley team think can make a difference to you right now..
Support after Priestley
Leaving college can be one of the most exciting, but also most overwhelming times in your life. You go suddenly from routine and timetables to having nothing planned at all.
It’s natural to feel a little insecure about it all but don’t fret, life post-college really is the start of the most exciting chapter. Leaving Priestley does not mean that we forget about you!